
By Tykky

Slippery as fish

The heatwave has arrived with temperatures around 0°C.
That is around 25-30°C too high for mid January here, in case someone was wondering.

The warmth brought rain and molten snow. When this kisses the cold cold ground - you get ice. A lot of ice. Everywhere ice.

In these conditions, every second step offers an amazing opportunity to have a major tumble or break an arm.

I walked around 10 km today, and I couldn't tell you how many times and ways I've slipped, 3 figures. Forwards, sidewards, backwards.
The best was leaving the Swimmingpool: I stood on the sidewalk, stood, and just slid to the left while standing, because there was a slight angle towards the road. There are no words.

Amazingly, the locals handle it like nothing. I have a lot of respect for the local elderly - their attitude and resilience is examplory

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