Impromptu agility course

This afternoon I went to Porty Beach for my walk. I went to the beach because it has been raining for the last couple of days and Ann thought if I went on any of my other favourite walks, I'd end up incredibly muddy. I didn't end up incredibly muddy, but I did end up incredibly sandy and incredibly stinky.

I was playing with my ball and Ann accidentally threw the ball over these rafters. That was OK because I just jumped through the gap, raced to retrieve it and brought it straight back to Ann so that she could throw it again. Ann said, 'Trixie, that will make a good BLIP. Let's do that again.'

Mmmmmm................. I was a bit tired by then, so every time I got the ball, I just raced back as far as the rafters and then lay down in the pools of sea water that are behind them in this BLIP. Lying in sea water makes me very, very, stinky.

This is the best photograph Ann could get of me in 'impromptu agility mode'.

Although it's been a lovely day, it was absolutely freezing down on the beach, BUT, you wouldn't believe the number of people who were swimming in the sea. And they weren't even wearing wet suits. #madfools Even I only went into the sea a couple of times for a little cool down.

After my play on the beach, we went to pick up our friend Iain, to take him for a little walk in Figgate Park. Iain is our friend who moved to Porty last month, but he's not been very well recently. Appears to have picked up this horrid flu bug that seems to be doing the rounds. Anyway he hasn't been out for days so needed some 'fresh air'.

When I got let out of the car for a second time this afternoon, I thought, 'whoopee doo, I'm going to have another 45 min walk in Figgy Park.' Wrong?!! We only walked around the loch which took us about 15 mins and left Iain exhausted, so we drove him home so that he could go back to bed................. Here's hoping he hasn't breathed all his lurgy fumes over my human on the 2min car journey to the park????

…................And here we are.................... another weekend when my human is staying in 'home alone'. It's like lock down all over again. Lol!  #Dryjanuary2023 #day13 She's not working again until Tuesday and has no prospect of any human interaction until then................ Just what is the point of #dryjanuary2023? …...........Life is not a dress rehearsal.

My human LOVES wine. She normally drinks way over the recommended 14 units a week, but so what? Does it really matter? It's not like she drinks wine every single day of her life, but not having the option to do, so is driving her mad. She's proved that she can go13 days without it and what a very unsociable person she has become. Is there really any point in continuing this stupid project for another 18 days?  She doesn't feel any better, she doesn't look any better, she hasn't lost any weight.  So what's the point??

Oh, and just to put stuff into perspective...................... Ann's mother died less than a month after her 65th birthday. Didn't drink, didn't smoke, ate healthily, exercised, was a gym teacher and a health educator. …..........Ann will be 64 years old on her next birthday. She wants to enjoy her life. She'd rather die young & happy, than deny herself the stuff she wants to do, rather than just sit around vegetating so that she can live till a ripe old age. What's the point of that?????

The only thing that matters to Ann is...................... that I am looked after, if anything happens to her. …......Ann's sister, Sue, has promised to look after me. Yay!

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