POG's Journal


Cycling Saturday – POG’s Rambling.

Hi Everyone,

How wonderful, I can just about put these jerseys from the 80’s on again… It’s not a pretty sight but nevertheless nice to know I am heading in the direction of a racing weight. There is no news on the new jersey’s which I am very happy about as it I need to finish losing weight and sort of stabilize before I know what size to order.

First night back coaching at the track last night, not surprising that it was poorly attended as it was super cold and the velodrome is quite windy, when the warmer weather comes the numbers will increase.

My training (if you can call it that) on the turbos is sort of going well, I cannot feel any difference, but I am hoping it will stem the loss of muscles for the remainder of the diet. One possible bonus of the sessions is that I am being able to reach forward a little bit more, sadly not enough to reach the brake levers also my wonky ankle seems to be benefiting from the sessions as well, so they are well worth continuing with.

The work on cleaning up the bikes is not progressing quite as I hoped but I will keep plugging aways and have a big push if needed after my hospital appointment in February when I will hopefully get some idea of when an operation might be possible. It would be nice to have all the bikes in nice riding condition before the operation.

Well better stop rambling and get on with something useful.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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