Getting airborne

I like to vary Kasper's walks and today it was Rabbit Islands turn and other than a few scenic shots there was little of interest, other than the Extra.
Kasper likes to follow his nose a bit on Rabbit Island I assume due to the number of dogs that walk there which meant that now and again he had to check where I was and change his route then when getting back to the car he heard to tailgate opening and gave me the shot. He does seem to take off a long way back but was good to get him completely airborne.

The Extra.
As we were walking the section next to the road I noticed the cops further down and decided they must be doing alcohol checks which I am amazed that is required at midday on a Monday I wish people would realise that beer is not just for breakfast!

I decided when heading home that Kasper was due a weigh in so stopped off at the vet and was pleased that he has come down 300 grams to 35.6 which is about his fighting weight.

A quiet morning at the care home this too with staff missing and inmates residents either missing or asleep.

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