Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Hard at work

I came down to get a drink to find them both snuggled up. Mr Mouse said he was working, waiting for info from a client. I told him to create content then for social media. He went back to snuggling with the dog. 

A little while later he shouted up the stairs that it was snowing so I looked out of my office window. 

Sadly not a lot of snow. 

I did school pick up today, I just had to let everyone know I would be away from my desk for an hour(ish) as I was on the query rota this afternoon. Ear is all better and I can drive again so will be heading into the office tomorrow, annoyingly I can't find my tram card. I've checked the balance online and it's not been used, so it's lost somewhere in the house (or an honest person has handed it in). It's going to cost me £3 to get a replacement. I bet once I get a replacement I will find it. Oh well that will be my fun lunch time job for tomorrow. 

Very tired. Really do need to start taking vitamin D again, a while a go the doctor said my levels were low and it would be a good idea. The nurse the other day made it sound like it's a bit more than just getting low more like boarding on deficient. 

I probably should have asked for the actual result. I gave up asking what my platelets are doing, I figure they just keep checking and feed that info up the chain and when it becomes an issue the blood doctor will make a decision. 

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