
By Cully

On the buses...

Guest blip from 'the boy' today.

Look who I bumped into in Manchester, I was somewhat surprised to see the Man United team on public transport despite their 6 figure salaries.

I admit I can't stand Man United and their glory hunting fanbase, but as a football supporter even I had to admire and pay tribute to Sir Alex Ferguson's haul of 38 trophies, his retirement pending after an easy final game to West Brom this Sunday. I obviously stopped short of joining the thousands of Mancunians (and Cockneys, Brummies, Japanese etc) singing We are the Champions.

Shrek seemed pleased to see me, especially as half the fans booed him following his recent transfer request. And the 'keeper De Gea stuck his tongue out at me, rude man.

Then I got dragged into town by a marauding group of fans following the bus into Albert Square. I just wanted to go back to the hotel and have my chicken burger.

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