Hello Mme. Chamois

… in the forest, in the snow. We did try to go up the hill but the car did not like the soapy snow so we turned around which allowed me a walk in our local forest.

I noticed a film, Simone: Woman of the Century, was on in Bex. What a film of difficult emotions. I feel totally wrung out by it. Simone Veil was a famous French figure who survived the Holocaust and went on to become a leading politician, human rights campaigner, feminist and the first President of the European Parliament. Her memories of the Holocaust and so many human rights travesties, left nothing to the imagination. Although it is in French, I am sure it will be shown in the English language too. I rarely recommend books or films on blip but this film is a true lesson in history, reminding us of how man can be worse than any animal by far, and how one person can make a difference to rectify some situations.

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