Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

There was a hard frost overnight and I spotted this frozen puddle on our walk this morning.  Thought the shape was a bit like a heart.  Walked Misty much later than norm as yet more problems with pipes.  This time it was the water pipe which froze.  Not surprising really considering the pipes are exposed whilst waiting for new ones.  At least we now know where the water pipe is and where the heating oil pipe is.  Apparently the colours of the pipes are not what they should be!  Anyhow the guy from the village who will be doing to work soon I hope, used a heated gun thingy which eventually worked when he found the right pipe!  Its now been temporarily lagged until he gets some proper lagging from the shop, phew!  Its one thing after another at the moment.  Think I'll be filling some bottles of water before I go to bed tonight just in case!

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