I'm NOT on the Couch

In the evening Caspar was out for mischief
I treated myself to a short nap on the couch when Caspar discovered me.
He nibbled everything he could reach (hands, nose, cushion, blanket) and tried to climb on me. It was a funny "fight". He isn't allowed to get onto the couch, but it is very difficult to be consequent. And he wasn't onto the couch, his hind paws were still on the ground ;-D

Caspar's day was rather exciting. 
We visited the local dealer for farmer belongings (Raiffeisen) and asked if they have an animal scale. We want to weigh Caspar regularly and it is a question of time until he will be too heavy to lift him. They had a scale, but it will be difficult to use it when Caspar is grown into a big one. 
Later he met a friendly dog and had a short play with him.
He had a longer cuddle with a lovely elderly man who was a big fan of Omo. (Bittersweet memories, I miss my soulmate so much, even Caspar is such a sweetheart, too)
Caspar watched roosters and peacocks. And he refused to walk some stairs. (okay it is now on the list for extra training)
In the afternoon we worked in the garden. We have the opportunity to store the left over ground in a garden nearby. So Caspar had to be on a very long leash  so that he stayed in the garden despite the open door and we appeared and disappeared with wheelbarrows full of mud/ empty ones. There is so much to learn for him. The wheelbarrow action will need a lot of more days...

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