
Two cities and a large town today...

I was in Glasgow this afternoon and met up with Mrs42 on the way home to cadge a lift. I blipped half of her classroom while she was finishing off some marking and this is the one that caught our eye most, but mainly because of the story.

This is the sign above the Pokémon group table. Each term the groups get to pick a group name and this term they were given free reign to pick whatever names they wanted:

The Snakes - quiete, accurate and deadly

The frogs - camouflaged, amphibious and Mrs42's favourite animal

The dogs - strong, quick and loyal

...and The Pokémon - erm ... random strange pocket sized monsters with unbelievable abilities who battle each other

I guess there always has to be one group of jokers.

Can anyone explain Pokémon to me in a couple of simple paragraphs??

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LOTD: Two links for your delectation today (1) Queenbee - Jacqui's Forth Bridge sky blip - great colours and panorama - such a hard shot to get right and (2) Mimi's "Photographer And Koivisto" blip - cracking candid composition.

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