Still going

Montane Spine Race
You will be pleased to know that the two guys from yesterday are still going and have not long to go before the end. They are currently in the leading ten or so. I have had a fun time today live tracking the competitors. There have still been some coming through here and it is possible to watch them coming down from High Cup Nick and then look out for them through my window. 

I have enjoyed the lovely light today and got on with some stitching. I joined 'Stitch Camp' which is a free series of videos, one for each day this week. On Monday we painted and printed on cloth, which was great fun and is something I will do with my granddaughter when they are next up here. Tuesday we cut pieces from the fabric and put them together in a manner which pleased us. Today we added stitch to blur the boundaries and link the different sections.

It was suggested that we use four little pieces and of course I thought that would be too small, so I added another four . . . bad idea! It is going to take a long time to embellish this. Oh well - I am enjoying doing it, however it turns out. 

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