Press For Sunshine, London

It's been freezing here for the past two days. Down to - 6 when my brother took me up to the station this morning. It was so cold that I had to wear my running leggings under my jeans and two thick pairs of socks just to stop my teeth from chattering.
Work again was almost non existent which makes the days drag really badly but I did have two unexpected highlights. The first was when I went to one of my favourite pubs for a quiet pint and the poor young barmaid couldn't get any of the card machines to work and I had no cash on me. She insisted I had my pint for free, and even after going to get some cash and returning she still wouldn't except any payment!
The second highlight was getting today's image. I felt sorry for the young lady in the costume but she seemed to be able to laugh it off with good humour. I noticed she had a microphone in her hand so maybe she was going to sing the Beatles "Here Comes The Sun"! I also liked the passing van with the word "refrigerated" on the side - it was certainly cold enough!
Today's photographer is the wonderful Joel Sternfeld and his brilliant images from his book American Prospects. He shot a lot of this images on a large format 10 x 8 camera which makes them even more amazing. I've only used one of these cameras in  a studio and they are incredibly unwieldy. Also, all the film has to loaded into darkslides and once they are in the camera you cannot look through the ground glass screen!

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