
Its been a while since I made a is the day.

This morning I completed the cooking of the chutney, and come out with nine good size jars.  Yummo !!

Its been too hot for outdoor, we enjoyed a quiet afternoon watching tennis, I edited some photos, and prepared this triptych.

To be fair, the reason for it is that I do a weekly on-line challenge, and the challenge for this week was Your Hobby.  While I haven't done any spinning for some time (too busy being retired), I still like to knit and crochet when the urge comes.  My triptych is my homespun wool and the start of a crocheted peggy square.

Oh, and Jacinda has resigned as of 9th of February - cor blimey, that was not expected.  Have to say I'm not that unhappy about that, she has lost a lot of personal support this last year right throughout the country, her Labour Party also falling lots in the polls. 
However, to give her some credit - she did a reasonable job through the pandemic (well mostly), and I wish her well.  She will have some family time now and wedding plans as well 


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