Me Next!

It was a chilly, frosty morning but by mid morning the ice on the decking had thawed. I decided to refill the bird feeders and put a couple more out as I've just had a delivery of bird food. Got to look after our little birds in this cold weather and ... it's the Big Bird Count or whatever it's called at the end of the month and of course, I'd like to have a decent score.

With a bright, chilly afternoon, I thought I might be lucky to see lots of birds flitting about at Yarner Wood. It's a National Nature Reserve on Dartmoor and one of the hides has a valley dropping away and a couple of giant feeders in front of the hide. We don't want the birds on the feeders of course, we want them perched on the twig with the lichen on but they don't stay there long! 

There were a million little birds flying in and out, mostly blue, great and coal tits but very soon a Great Spotted woodpecker appeared, he wasn't very cooperative though. He did sit on a branch after he'd had a good feed but it was a bit far away and lots of twiggery in the way. I liked this one of a nuthatch. I thought I'd missed him as he's just launching himself off as I pressed the shutter. I also like that there are a couple of blue tits waiting for their turn on the feeders. 

I enjoyed the hour I spent there but it's not restful photography!

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