Random Ramblings

By McJax

Brown Bluff

Another amazing day going further into the Weddell Sea, but unfortunately still too windy for the zodiacs to land. We did a cruise round Snow Hill Island and spotted a few emperor penguins chicks. Emperors are the only ones that breed on the ice so we were really lucky to see them. The chicks grow, the ice breaks up and the ones we saw were basically going through a moult to allow them to get into the sea. Too far away for my little camera to get a good pic. 

Later some brave souls did the ‘Polar Plunge’ … it was sooo sooo cold - not for me. 

After dinner there was a surprise announcement that we would be doing a landing at Brown Bluff, a chance for people to put their feet on the continent. 

We saw gentoo, adelie and chinstrap penguins all in the same place, but hard to get a good pic, it was after 11pm. 

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