A Pumpkin is Born

A chilly overcast day.  We had a funeral to go today, the wife of this chap, and a close neighbour of ours.  She aged 96, her husband 95.  I've never ever been to a funeral like this, totally brilliant, funny and sad...but one to always remember.  Frank (her husband) stood up front, leaned on the lectern, talked about their life, (sometimes too much detail, lol) he had us all in stitches, took around 30 minutes and he got such a response at the end we all clapped.  Then, when the photo slide show started, he took the microphone and gave us a running commentary as each photo was shown, again so funny and clapping followed.  
A great celebration and ocassion, and for us and many other neighbours a time to catch up with each other. If you  have time, take a read of my link, he is an incredible old chap. 

I snapped this through our lounge window late this afternoon, self sown and very happy where it is growing.  While it is taking over and through some of my plants....I can put up with it while the pumpkins grow, there are four or five.



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