Saturday with Tuija and Elina

I had wonderful day with my friends Tuija and Elina today! We met at the Cafe Pellas at noon and ate brunch there. 

Then we had ambitious gallery tour, we visited four art galleries:
* Saskia: Inka Hannula ja Teemu Raudaskoski: Gardens of the Universe
* Nykyaika: Harri Heinonen: Streetscapes and Ari Jaaksi: Hämeenkatu
* Rajatila: Laura Kopio: Dressed Silence and Henri Airo: Yritys laskea välinpitämättömyyttä
* Mältinranta: Karkki Mäkelä: Comfort Zone and Ida Koitila & Tiina Raitanen: New Ice Age

Then Tuija signed in to her hotel room in the Hotel Tammer and we had a break there. Here you can see a view from the room.

Finally we had a dinner in the Restaurant Kuuma. 

-1,7 C, cloudy

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