Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Watched a bit of tennis this morning. I like these late night matches in Melbourne - perfect time here. 

Yesterday, I inadvertently grabbed the wrong size of nightie. ‘No worries,’ said JR, ‘I’ll take it back today.’ She likes to keep her step count up (17,645 steps today!). It’s great that Archie can go there too, because it gives him a good walk, with lots of nice smells, and the constant hope of snaffling a bit of food on the pavement. And we found out that dogs are allowed in the wee cafe downstairs (but not the main one upstairs), so JR was able to have a coffee as well.

I went with them, but only part of the way. Too far for me! I got the bus back after a wee dander in the Royal Mile, where I spotted this handsome pair (I think the chap in blue also clocked them). I hope he doesn’t mind that I’ve used him. I’m a bit wary of taking/using photos of random people.

I came home and made a delicious (though I say it myself) slow cooker stew. It’s not hard - just bung everything in and switch it on for hours. Except that I forgot the red wine… so I’ll make it again next week, as we have a spare half bottle to be used up.

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