Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


It was; and cold too, but not bone chillingly. Wisley looked lovely with so much frost and the coffee was excellent. 


 We had a decent walk. Saw The Yoga Mama in the afternoon and then TSM sat down to watch Arsenal beat Manchester United 3-2 in a top of the table thriller. 

The Ukraine war is edging slowly towards being a year old next month. It feels almost impossible to remember what it was like before the conflict, like Covid before it, shattered our misplaced faith in normality.

My latest podcast (episode 8) is published today. This week's edition covers a magical trip to the magical city of Canterbury, a homage to two unsung heroes, reflections on climate change inertia, and an insight into the Bruges Group of oh-so-woe-is-me white heterosexual males. 


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