Wednesday: Playing With Fire

We caused a bit of a stir in the neighbourhood today by having a full scale fire alarm, complete with smoke, fire engines with sirens, colleagues stranded on the roof and large ladders being extended.  The school children next door loved it.

What people didn't know was that it was just a drill.  We worked with the local fire brigade who were also keen to use it as a test.  One of my colleagues, Martina, was supposed to have been stranded in the building and so was loitering by the garage.  Colleagues kept saying that she was missing, but I was being very obtuse and just kept saying that I just seen her by the garage so she was fine, which wasn't really helping the authenticity of the scenario.

We then went back to the fire station where we practiced putting out mini fires.  My favourite moment was watching a fireman carry two canisters of gas while smoking a cigarette.

384 - everyone should have a favourite Latvian band!

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