Grey Heron

The young male and the aggressive female were waiting on the grass beside the loch for me this morning. Amazingly I managed to feed them both then made my way round to see the others. Unfortunately a group of dog walkers were standing chatting at the spot the heron usually wait and most of the dogs were not on leads. I could see a couple of heron on top of the trees watching me. So just waited until they all moved on. As soon as  they had gone the regular male flew to the ice at water edge and the passive female flew down beside me. I started feeding them, the male was sliding all over the place so jumped over to the bank. Then another 3 arrived on the ice at the edge of the water. I had enough with me to feed them all. The ones on the ice were all over the place as the ice is melting and seems to be very slippery. At least it stopped them chasing each other. Then it was time to feed the crows on the way home.   

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