
By tedwin

Things were looking up

Not just for the Mono Monday theme, but also in the Abbey Meadows, which used to be our favourite area for a blip hunt, until I became restricted to a mobility scooter. The paths had become so badly broken and rutted that they were almost impassible for anything with wheels. In addition there were  numerous "kissing gates"  which  bicycles and push chairs had to be lifted over.
Today we learned that improvments had been made, the paths have been levelled and roughly surfaced, while the gates have been replaced by sensibly sized wooden affairs. This meant that for first time since Dec 2022 we were able to explore a little, and were suitably rewarded by the sight of a Kingfisher, perched for several minutes, on a reed.
Unfortunately, because this little excursion was so unexpected, neither of us had a suitable lens. My efforts resulted in a blue blob which can just about be recognised.

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