Spud fight

It got to quite late in the afternoon and I hadn't taken a blip because I haven't been feeling well today.

I have had a dreadful headache all day and couldn't concentrate for long. Blip is meant to be a photo journal of your day so this is my blip. These potatoes fought with me today for quite a while!! I wanted to peel them but they kept falling and rolling away almost like they knew I couldn't catch them!!! Everytime I picked some up, more fell down and then rolled about the floor laughing at me!!!! As my language became more and more colourful and I became disproportionately angrier and angrier with them....as if they were doing it deliberately.....L said "Well they have to be your blip Mum, they sum up your day!" How right she was!!!!

I cannot wait to get to bed.....better tomorrow I hope....just one of those days!!

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