dont even know what day it is!

is it wednesday or thursday? it feels like a thursday. (drops are in, so apologies in advance for any spelling or grammar errors!).

up early with pete. a restless few hours from 4.30am onwards (got up at one point eith him and the rain was beating off the ground), but up eventually around 7.30am/ pete wss a lottle sick first thing, but seemed well enough to badger me for his (and then my) breakfast.

took a trip on the bus today to Kimberley for food shoppng. hadn't planned on not being able to drive anywhere for food. so, zig zag ticket, and trip to Sainos.

bus back, and then out for a walk with Pete. we managed to dodge the rain as we headed to the wood. skies turned black and still we dodged. Took this pnoto of pete running through the dandelions. so many of them about this year, even though they're a pain, they still look lovely and full of colour.

home, steak, sauteed pots, mushrooms, and diane sauce. perfec meal.

early to bed tonight, horlicks awaits! blurry eyes doing my head in!

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