With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I think living in Spain for the last ten years has rubbed off on the boys in so many ways; Ben has his tendency to use his hands to express himself, like Little Agu here, whilst being verbose, his sweet tooth... He could consume acres of milk chocolate if I let him. The evidence on the table is of my little addictions. I don't need much chocolate, it just needs to be damn good. These coated almonds have lasted two weeks. The nicotine thing, or should I say the shite that goes with it, is all but gone thanks to that little machine charging up.

I had such a lovely evening with them both after what has been a few days of tussling and quite stressful moments for various reasons. I won't see them for quite a few days after tomorrow morning and the logistics are proving complicated, but I have promised to give them a lengthy presentation on the Higgs field and particle theory when I get back after my trip over the weekend. I'm so looking forward to an adventure, catching up with AKHF and mv and bringing back M for a while during his Dutch capers.

Meanwhile they took the mickey out of my very poor historical knowledge. We decided we could do our own version of Horrible Histories called something like "Mummy's Hopeless at remembering dates or anything, she gets it all muddled up, thank goodness for the internet". We have renamed Leonardo da Vinci as Leonard from Finchley and the whole of WW2 has been summed up in a short car ride.

String theory, move over. I can muddle it up all over again.

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