The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

When is a wasp not a wasp?

When it's a bee!

It was cold today, and just as I was beginning to think I was never going to be able to get anything decent to blip.....the sun came out!!!
Today's blip is a bee of the species Nomada, Tiny cuckoo bees that lay their eggs in the nests of other species of bee, hence the name.
I think they are really interesting, not only in their lifestyle, but in the fact that they look just like little wasps!
This little bee was very sensibly hunkered down against the oncoming rain (which happened about 10 minutes later). They do this by attaching themselves to foliage by their strong jaws, often letting go with all 6 legs !!!
A few weeks ago I promised you a tour of native British bees, I hope you are enjoying it!

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