
By workmumbalance


Spent the day working from home as sadly Fraser has been down with a sickness bug and my mother in law who was meant to have him also had tonsillitis so it was balance work and mum life to the max today!
We dropped G at nursery for 8 as both of them got up at 5:30….
I managed to actually get a fair amount of work done surprisingly as he was fairly chilled and took two decent naps. We went for a walk at my lunch break which was lovely as it was a beautiful sunny day here in Glasgow.
My Dad picked up Georgia from nursery as he is staying tonight as he/my mum has Fraser tomorrow.
Tam got back from working away in Inverness around 18:30, I swiftly handed over bed time.
Dumplings for dinner, dram (Bunnahabhain 12) as it is Rabbie Burns night, bath and bed! ✌

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