Earl Grey reaches for the sky

On the excitement of Burns Night I forgot to mention that I met some U3A people in the morning to set up a Veggie Food Group. We are going to take turns at hosting, have a theme and all take dishes to try. It should be fun.

Today I saw our GP - ostensibly for feed back on my echocardiogram but really I think to say Goodbye as he is retiring otherwise it would have been a phone call. The good news is I have a healthy heart and I should carry on walking and travelling.

Then we went to the toon. Me to collect my tickets for Scottish Ballet and set up a bank account. I met Mr C at the Apple shop. The chap there was very helpful and suggested ways of checking how much storage I actually needed before buying. I have photos on the cloud but I need to check if documents are also there. It could be all my books are on the computer and slowing it all down. He was good as he didn’t come the hard sell. So I’ll follow his suggestions but even if it limps along another year it doesn’t owe me anything as it is 11 years old.

Here’s Earl Grey.

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