
By mollyblobs

Birch in January

The world has returned to a state of overcast skies and mud - all traces of sparkling frost now vanished. I find it much harder to get motivated in this sort of weather, but after a solid few hours of analysis and writing, my brain and body both needed a breather,

I headed to Old Sulehay, but even my favorite reserve struggled to inspire me. I hunted for fungi in the woodland, and found a few, but there were fewer than on my visit earlier this month. I spotted the first few green spears of Bluebell, but mostly the woodland flood was covered with soggy leaves. Something had clearly been busily fossicking through them, but I couldn't decide what the culprit was - Badgers, Muntjac Deer, Squirrels or just Blackbirds?

By the time I headed back to the car the light had nearly gone, which gave the opportunity of a few icm shots of the Silver Birch in the quarry. I though this one represented the feel of the day!

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