No men and a boat

 We've both worked hard and Himself has designed the first chapter and it's looking good!  A labour of love but he's getting into the program now. I'm still faffing away on various things and now we have to get some quotes for printing, and then I can try to get some funding. 
All go so a walk was much needed this afternoon and we did the headland loop. There was not a breath of wind and a wonderful silvery light, dead calm. I've continued with the boaty theme for my main - no dogs or blokes today, just the little dingy looking ready for action. The extras are from various spots on the headland where we sat for a bit and marvelled. We saw what we thought were three otters ducking and a diving out in the bay and a seal popped up to have a look at us. We saw curlews, egrets, oyster catchers, cormorants and dead porpoise. A walking meditation. 

The Curlew

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