Place: Largo, FL 47/62
Main activity: Fri - Misc
Notes: Woke early but 3rd good night of quiet and sleep-thru in a row! Did qigong and stretching yoga again (back/hips tight still). Chilly morning in the 40's and was 68 inside. Turned on the little space heater and "fireplace" (essentially a visually-appealing and extremely heavy space heater). Mid morning I ran to pick up yet another FB Marketplace thing - coffee table that I've been trying to find the right size/color/price. Needs a paint job or something but is good for now. Saw this beautiful car (and matching patio umbrella LOL!) on the way and thought it was too cool to not grab a pic! Stopped at the Sunshine Ace on the way back - is the most incredible Ace Hardware I've ever seen tho you can't tell from the outside. Finalized Joe's MailChimp e-blast and scheduled it today. Did a bit more work for Jo also. Talked to Michelle (IPSI in Michigan) about some details for a VA biz - was quite helpful. The other coffee table I tried (too small) I went ahead and stained today - came out pretty good. Not sure where I'll put it yet. 

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