Saturday Six

Getting a bit cabin fever with not being out with a bug. Went out to the garden for a wee while.

Emptied a couple of pots so could plant up some new things that had arrived on Friday. One of the pots had a few mini carrots left in them.

Moved some pots which were sitting on top of where bulbs should be.

That was enough! Had a cuppa, watered the 2 pots & other pots sitting. Water & food for birds.

Got changed & lay down on bed with sun in window for about an hour. Had lunch sitting for a wee while but starting to get sleepy again. Nice to have some fresh air outside.

Watching the mini cherry for buds forming.
Crocus bud
Moss Motorcyclist Statue*
A few carrots left from pot
Winter Jasmine deciding on 2nd flowering.

*Motorcyclist had fallen under some leaves & now moved to be beside the Alligator. Left some moss that was growing on him.

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