Snowdrop time

I was picked up by Jane this morning and we Went to the Garden House near Crapstone where they have an extensive collection of snowdrops but it’s been very cold this spring and this was an early weekend so there were not too many snowdrops but the trees were showing their beautiful shapes and winter colours and the views of Dartmoor were visible! Saw this flash of green heart on one of the snowdrops!

Later on there will be huge drifts of snowdrops! I was very happy to realise that my RHS membership covers the weekend at this time of year! The garden is only open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the moment.

First things first when we got there! We went for coffee and cake for lunch but they also serve soup if that is more to one’s taste! I bought a snowdrop for Sian hoping the dogs won’t dig it up! !

Went for a walk with Sian and Ian and the dogs later and they had had good news! The CT and MRI showed that the tumour had shrunk, an amazing answer to prayer and on Thursday they will be discussing surgery! Still a long way to go but positive progress!

Watched Bank of Dave on Netflix this evening as there was very little on tv. Based on a true story about a man who set up a bank in Burnley to help the local community and applied to the Bank authorities to register a small bank as opposed to the huge conglomerates who cater to the rich and don’t think about the people with very little. They took on the establishment and won ! Definitely with watching!

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