
By DonnaWanna

Miss Tiddles Portrait

Miss Tiddles kindly stepped in to be my emergency blip tonight. She wasn't too impressed when I woke her out of a deep sleep but when I explained that I had nothing she was quite willing to be the guinea pig cat blip!

We had a patting session and I even got the brush out and gave her the works. But stopping and taking a pic every few minutes (or seconds) wasn't really to her liking!!

She eventually gave me a quick nip and waltzed off with her tail flicking in the air, which I always think is quite a rude cat gesture!

Fortunately I had about twenty shots to choose from and thought she looked rather regal in this one :))

It's been sultry with dramatic clouds threatening to rain all day. It's now 10pm and finally the rain has started and it sounds lovely on the tin roof.

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