At the v top

When we walk at the golf course, it is up one of two paths that run parallel up to the Downs.(Never actually on the golf course either, that was a little lockdown only shining light). Today we found the path that connected the two making a fine circular walk. It does mean walking up the very steep long hill that we normally turnaround at but as Ella pointed out, if we dislike it so much it probably means we should be walking up it more. This was in the middle of the new to us, connecting path. Taken just before a man walked towards us. Ella said hello to him (so far, quite normal) and then to my surprise kissed him. Turns out she actually knew him but it made me stare for a fleeting moment thinking she was taking the friendly hellos to fellow walkers a little too far.

Then home for some faffing, cooking, Italian homework, reading. I really didn’t want to go swimming in the sea but I had planned it with Emma so off I doubtfully went. Obvs once I was in and we were chitchatting, all was just fine and it was as exhilarating as ever. And with a little bit of sunshine thrown in. Home for a bath, dinner, better call Saul and All Quiet on the Western Front. Inset day for Will tomorrow which means I only have to suit myself in getting started for the week.

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