Hoping for a miracle?

Hoping these eye patches deliver the miracle they say they will (doubtful) & transform these tired eyes into youthful energetic ones!!
The kids were off school today, very tired and with next to no appetite. I really don't like it when they don't eat. Nate, surprisingly, is the one least hungry and eating next to nothing still, very unlike him. We all got a short burst of fresh air at different points in the day which was good.
Danny went into the prison and saw a few familiar faces after last week's raid. Big hugs all round. Strange to see life on the outside and the inside.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Two friends of mine meeting up in Manchester for the first time today!
2) Fresh air and seeing the sun...feels like a good few days since that last happened even though it was only Friday for me!
3) Everyone recovering, albeit slowly.

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