Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


It's not really a resolution but I decided to make time to read more non fiction and faff less on my phone. Really enjoying this book. The history I learned in school covered a bit of German history but not the parts I find interesting. Being a mixed family I have heard stories from both my granny who was bombed in the blitz in Clydebank, and the German Oma who remembered hard times and feeding lots of extra people. The conclusion I came to was that only the weapons manufacturers profit from war. War stories don't interest me. I like the economic and social history much more.

This book explores more of the formation of Germany and takes a deeper exploration of the culture and how it has developed through time. Lots of the places I have been have been put into more context.

It's been a lethargic Monday. My better teacher said she is also skeptical about the course material. We skipped the boring bits and started on women's rights.

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