Up Helly Aa Has Come

A wild day of gales, thankfully the rain didn't come as harsh as what it was predicted.  There was patchy blue skies, even short sunny spells.  Some wintery showers this evening. 

Another early shift in the airport.  I was meeting and boarding flights all morning, and a few delays, but all landed in the wind.  I was on the check-in desk in the afternoon.  Popped by Laura's on my way home.  We met up with friend Julie this evening in town, Up Helly Aa is back.  Mam and Laura popped by after, to warm up and a cuppa.  Early to bed, while so many have a very late night partying. 

It's been three years since the last Lerwick Up Helly Aa, finally back and as big as ever.  The lights turned off, and a thousand torches lit up the dark skies. Guizer Jarl Neil Moncrieff and and his squad of Vikings marched along, with various others dressed is costumes.  This year has seen a huge change to the festival, women have finally been allowed to join in.  All other fire festivals across Shetland have women, but still some against the idea in Lerwick.  Me personally, I agree with the decision, women can only enhance the acts and put new life to tired old squads.  Spot the woman in red marching with her torch.  Taken on King Harald Street, Lerwick.  

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