
A very, very busy day working here at home, interrupted by supermarket errands in the afternoon and kitchen duties at night, and some gaming in between, but not much colouring.  Passed by the drop-off pick-up point to collect this pretty box of new pencils.

Work consisted of preparing for next week's lectures and replying to some mail.  The preparation takes some effort because I'm altering existing PowerPoints to suit my style and priorities based on what I could observe last semester.  I have gotten new groups so I want to start really as I think things should start, says school-teacher Ellaphant.  In short, an exciting period.

Elsewhere in our lives, Teqla got her APK and AW picked her up before dropping by Son for an hour's visit and then continuing on to the usual Tuesday evening live bridge, which is held only a handful of kilometers away from the garage and happens to be around the corner from where Son lives, so all in the area.  I had a quiet evening so engrossed in my work that I even forgot to have dinner.  Work also included a short chat with Guilford Guy, who replied to the questions I left for him in TEAMS.  We both work in the evening, a fact that has become very clear to us both.  Work will continue at home the rest of this week as nothing else has been put in my schedule.  There's enough to keep me off the streets.

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