Here come the boys!!

Scan went well yesterday.
Took ages though as it was the anomaly scan and both of them decided not to play ball for some of the measurements and checks. I ended up having to bend and twist at all angles so they could it all done.

So my fall hasn't done them any damage, just damaged me.

Consultant is happy and we will continue with fortnightly appointments and start the steroid injection at 26 weeks. Like an idiot I forgot to ask how many injections I have to have! C section is still not a definite but as lefty has been breech since the beginning and seeing how stubborn they both seem to be I don't think he'll be moving some how!

We have decided on names (for now) but aren't telling anyone till they arrive!

Mother in law is driving me insane she just can't or won't listen to what we tell here and Mr L has come home from hers today with a bag of what can only be described as cheap poor quality tat for the babies. We have told her what we need and have told we have a list of the stuff we want/need and if she wants to get stuff she can see the list and pick from that.

Don't get me wrong I'm not being snobby about stuff we've bought plenty of stuff from Tesco/Asda and I'm planning a shopping raid on Primark when I get the chance but the stuff he's bought home doesn't look like it would survive one wash or 10 seconds of being used. I've told Mr L to give some stuff back to her as I've have pick specific bath time accessories that I want that I know are safe and won't cause harm break etc.

I sound so ungrateful but they are our babies and we'll pick the big things/important things for them not someone who had no idea about babies as she hasn't really been around them since Mr L was born (nearly 30 years ago)

Oh and I'm a control freak!!! God help me when they arrive they'll do what they want when they want to and I will have no control!

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