Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Textiles at their best.

Unbelievable exhibition. I was pleasantly surprised at the sheer size. Oustanding examples of knitting and incredible selection of hand made quilts adorned the walls.
Fascinated to learn that Kaffe Fassett learnt to knit on a train from Scotland to London! He bought the wool in Scotland and decided that he needed to learn to knit as it would be too difficult to explain what he wanted to somebody else. He asked a fellow passenger if she could knit and got her to teach him on the journey.
You couldn't touch the exhibits but you could get up close to admire the stunning handiwork. It moves to the V and A in June.
Also had another lunch out - this time in The Brigade, a no longer functional Fire Brigade Station.
Will have to be back blips from tomorrow, as I am off to the Lake District to visit a friend until Monday.

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