
By EddieRiff

Ross.R.Boyd MA.           Image: Jason LC Hurst©

Ross holding a workshop on conceptial fine art with his artist friend.

Image taken in 1990, with a Nikon F3 with a 50mm Nikkor lens using Ilfords HP5 400 rated @ 800 and pushed processed in Ilfotec LC29.

The late Ross Boyd MA, brother of the late John Boyd Glasgow school of art trained artist.

Ross, best friend, big brother of no relation of mine other than a love for fellow man and photography.

Ross first turned up at a centre for disabled arts in 1989 that i was involved in, i was very young (18) but holding photographic workshops for the visually impaired (partial) and the disabled in general. 

I will say this, a man with partial use of one arm (accident as a child left him disabled and full of heavy depression) was accomplished in many fields, he was a, course fisherman, leather maker, trophy winning sea fisherman, artist, painter, cook, taught photography at college, frame maker and most of all photographer, see extras for early examples (1982) of his printed works. Paradoxical!

His then wife became the director of the centre and he settled in nicely, that was the beginning of a fantastic relationship. To cut a long story short we remained best friends right up until his passing in 2012, When i returned from working on newspapers around the country i stopped by for a catch up. 
Ross, alone for some time, he was not in a good place, from then on in i cared for him full-time for the last few years of his life, the most amazing years, i was there till the very end, Ross, thank you my dearest friend, mentor and fellow cook!  Oh he also has exhibited next to Cartier Bresson, friends with Paul Hill MBE, who i am inspired by also and friends with, because of this amazing man.

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