Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Today is my lovely mum's 70th Birthday :D
We aren't celebrating properly today because her and dad are coming down to Edinburgh tomorrow for a surprise Birthday Weekend with me and my siblings. The surprise being where they are staying and eating etc, not that they are coming to Edinburgh. Because I'm crap with secrets and it doesn't take much to extract info from me!

This is the inside of the card I sent her. Some of it is a kindof 'thru the ages' of her life and some of it is just very funny - the hat photos were a recent shopping trip where we got all silly and giggled uncontrollably in a corner for quite a long time!
She will be horrified that I've blipped her, but isn't she wonderful?! She's beautiful and amazing and mad as a bag of frogs. She should be blipped! :)

Happy Birthday Mum, I love you very very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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