Dog days

It turns out it's remarkably difficult to get a good picture of old statesman Milo and million miles an hour Missy.
But it was fun trying. 

An odd day, reacting to unfolding events. 

Turns out the company supposed to be installing our woodburner at the start of the year (we've been chasing them up, but had been trying to be understanding after all the horrid weather) have gone into receivership.
Interestingly, fortuitously, our deposit was the stove price (on sale), which legally makes it ours. As the company owner hasen't been returning calls I had a friendly chat with one of their now (temporarily) unemployed installers and the stove is now in our garage. We'll pay the installer directly for the rest of the work.

Philosophy Friday 
If a dog will not come to you after looking you in the face you should go home and examine your conscience. 
Woodrow Wilson

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