
By mollyblobs

Crocus time!

The lawn crocuses are popping up now, pretty much on time. Despite two spells of very cold weather this winter, they're a fraction earlier than they were in 2022 - probably a response to the current mild conditions. Toady it was 13C in Peterborough and felt very spring-like!

The morning sunshine disappeared about lunchtime, and I tried to settle down to some report writing. I think I'm fighting off something, which may have accounted for my complete inability to focus. So in the end I decided to make a winter visit to one of my 2022 survey sites, Collyweston Quarries, to see what it looked like in winter.

I had a very informative couple of hours, looking at the management and added quite a few species of moss to the species list. There were no stock on site, but the very short sward showed signs of grazing by both sheep and Highland cattle (their dung is very distinctive!). 

I was able to confirm my suspicions during a lovely chat with an elderly dog-walker who visits very frequently with his beautiful black spaniel. We agreed that dogs often spark conversations - as do cameras and notebooks. It's quite rare for me to visit a site and not end up chatting to someone!

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