A blip meet October 2017

On this picture. (And gorgeous lilies from our favorite grocer in town)
I like this picture as my hubby looks so happy here - and because my blip friend Schorschi is on the picture.
He lives in Bavaria and has since Brexit broken all bridges that would allow me to contact him- he is still blipping but never has comments open . So a star is all he can get but no reaction to my blipping either. I miss him- i really liked him as a person and had hoped to visit him again but without contact that is not possible.

I decided to drastically cut down on screen time as of now. 6 hours per day is too much.

I will see how that goes. I seem to be easily addicted. My days will not change much in the near future. Piano practicing, avoid all news about politics , the garden work will start , some little trips are planned and exercise should be on my schedule daily for health reasons. I apologize to all those kind friends whose journals I have not visited often in the last months: Skyegirl, Inkface, Charlie, Moloh, Chrissel, and so many more. I thank you for your visits and comments.

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