Cotton Candy Moon

The February moon is waxing full over the next few days. It is officially full around mid-day on Sunday the 5th. It was putting on a pretty nice show Friday evening, though, playing hide-and-seek with the pink sunset clouds.

It is called the Snow Moon because February is the month when we typically get the most snow. But with all that pink and blue, it sure looked like a Cotton Candy Moon to me!

More moon info from the Farmer's Almanac: "Other names for this month’s moon have historically had a connection to animals. The Cree traditionally called this the Bald Eagle Moon or Eagle Moon. The Ojibwe Bear Moon and Tlingit Black Bear Moon refer to the time when bear cubs are born. The Dakota also call this the Raccoon Moon, certain Algonquin peoples named it the Groundhog Moon, and the Haida named it Goose Moon. Another theme of this month’s moon names is scarcity. The Cherokee names of Month of the Bony Moon and Hungry Moon give evidence to the fact that food was hard to come by at this time."

Here is our soundtrack for a Cotton Candy Man in the Moon: Roy Orbison, with Candy Man, from the star-studded Black and White Night.

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