Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea



Ok so what I know about the bracelets is that I can't take them off. I have to wait until they break of naturally so that Jas gets good luck.

I came home and fell asleep for a few hours. Driving longer distances (than say 20 mins) really drains me because I get really anxious and use a lot of brain power keeping my cool. My mantra yesterday and today through the traffic and after witnessing a scary looking accident where a car landed upside down on its top was "you can do this, breath, you can drive fine just stay calm". It definitely helped but I still exhaust myself with any kind of prolonged anxiety-and knowing I had to drive home today was scary after hating it so much yesterday.

However, tomorrow is another trip this time in to Glasgow hopefully before rush hour and on Saturday out to Erskine then back through Glasgow and home. I think a type of benzo you can drive on needs to be invented. So it only affects a very specific part of the brain and not reactions.

Or....I need to just get used to driving far! Its only been 8 years since I started driving!

Pre wedding party tomorrow then actual ceremony on Saturday. :-) definitely worth the driving nerves!!!

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