Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

The devil in the detail...

Doesn't it go by in a flash?

The story of our days spun out in seconds, minutes,hours and so on..... a real time movie of everything that we do, but seemingly, on fast forward! I stop and stare as much as I can and certainly considerably more than most people I know, yet when I think back on the day.......where did some of it go?

It's Friday....yippeeeeeeeeeee!
There's a big farmers market this wknd in Ely and we shall have a good stroll round, peering at all the bits and bobs, in the rain by the looks of it! I shall take my time, savour it, relish every little bit of Tat, junk, jewels and thingamabobs. A precious day off.....where I intend to see as much as I it doesn't disappear...lost to the broom cupboard of time.

I found myself staring a 'Thousand yard stare' this morning at my coffee.....beautiful, chaotic and amazing.....look closely and everything can be wonderful I think!

Happy Friday everyone!

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