
By willllwynbedw

It is Friday!

Last night at Burgundy's we had the awesome duo of Vinny Parker and Ed Kainyek. And it is a great tribute to Ted Richards that we get such talented guys coming to Burgundy's and now in its nineth year!- these two come from Manchester/Leeds. Ted is recovering and we very much look forward to having him back and with his wit and drums.

Ed Kainyek is the Deansgate Saxman living in Leeds and teaching and busking in Manchester Deansgate on a friday & saturday night - so look out for him and give generously

Vinny is such an incredible keyboard player and he gets into his hazz in an impish, mischievous and infectous style and he is always smiling through his eyes! I have previously done a pencil sketch of him.

This is him playing at the Keswick Jazz Festival - caravan. Maybe I should explain that Towyn is a small seaside resort in North Wales and it is more or less a big caravan site!!!!!!

This is a previous sketch of them and here you will see Ted on drums and the versatile Roy Cansdale on bass. And another in which Roy found himself with .Chaka Khan who had just slipped off a record sleeve in the raffle to join him because he get quite lonely at the back!!!!

Roy was with us last night but of course we had another drummer - Marek Dorcik - from Manchester. Here he is in church. I am sure we will be seeing and hearing more of this young guy

I have got carried away with these links! - I should know better as I have so many things to do here while Sheil is working - including some pizzas for tonight!!

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